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Self-Regulation Programs

Empower your organization with easy and effective practices that can be done anywhere to tune into the intelligence of the body. Discover game changing insights that can be used throughout the day to feel better, reduce anxiety, and manage stressful situations.

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Creating a Strong Foundation for Wellbeing Workshop

This workshop will help your team:

  • Learn simple practices, Ease Keys, to align with wellness.

  • Discover how to set a strong foundation for the torso, heart, lungs, and brain.

  • Access the restorative power of breath.

  • Recognize and address the impacts of seated posture on health, learning, and life.

  • Get more circulation, oxygen, and energy to the brain and other vital organs.

Creating Habits of Ease Series

This Self-Regulation series will help your organization:

  • Experience the restorative power of breath and learn how to tap into the healing power of breath.

  • Discover the exquisite intelligence of the body and explore how to access the internal support systems built into the body’s intelligence.

  • Cultivate habits of ease that can be truly enjoyed. Playfully integrate these moves into daily life.

  • Cultivate resilience both individually and collectively.

Holistic Services

Lotus Flower


Spiritual Companioning is a process of deepening a person's connection to the Sacred. You will be supported in reflecting on your experience of the Sacred in everyday life as well as in extraordinary moments of joy, loss or trauma.

Energy Healing


A Reiki practitioner employs various hand positions either in gentle contact with the body, using a very light touch, or slightly removed from the body to serve as a conduit to Universal Life energy

Assorted Crystals

Crystal Healing

A Crystal Healing session is a deeply relaxing, rejuvenating healing involving the placement of crystals on and around the body to help align your energetic frequencies. Used together with Reiki, they raise your energetic vibrational frequency.


Musical Reiki

Musical reiki employs the use of a Reverie Harp in creating healing tones to magnify the reiki energy.  The harp is either placed on the body or strummed near it so that the pentatonic tones induce the relaxation reflex within the body.


Animal Reiki

Meditation with animals to create a compassionate healing space to relieve stress, promote relaxation, harmony, balance and a sense of overall well-being. The animal can move freely in the healing space during the session. The animal's human is involved in the sessions because animals often feed off our energy and stress.

Emerging Leaders LLC 2023

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